Sunday Mornings at New Hope

The 6 "Amigos" – Part 2: Envy | The Book of Luke – A People Prepared

June 24, 2024 New Hope Community Church Season 2 Episode 31

Envy is craving what another has; craving something you don't have. The idea of this can even be: "I have so much money I don’t know what to do with it all. I know! I’ll move investments here, there, store it up, build even more, etc... Oh! And then I can chill out. Take it easy. Party it up. Live like a king. Have no worries. Do anything, anytime, anywhere, with not a care in the world." A pursuit of flexibility, stability, and prosperity.
Friends – that is the retirement mindset of America and Jesus says: “Fool!” Our wants need to line up with God's desires. Is it possible that God may want less for us?

Luke 12:13-14


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